A moment of thinking…

Have you ever stopped for a moment and started thinking over and over about the events in your life and how your journey up to her has been a long way along? I did and I do all the time, mostly searching for answers to questions that I sometimes don’t know. Sounds weird, right? 😀

What I meant by questions I don’t know are those that I ask myself when I feel sad or happy for no reason. Those times when you know there is something which is really good or really bad but you don’t know. However, from the most important questions I always ask myself is  ” Do I regret anything I’ve done in my life so far?” I always search for the answer “No”.  I always search my life events and search for what might be better if changed, what might I’ve done to make things better. It doesn’t matter how hard I think of better options I know that the best thing to do is not to regret anything I’ve done. Because firstly, Regret won’t make me feel any better and secondly, I had nothing else to do at the time that might made the situation better, and without those actions I might never be here now writing this blog..

Having a moment of thinking does’t mean only questions. Sometimes, I just… think. I just replay my day before I sleep and think of the people and events I was surrounded by today. I don’t mean  by that to annoy myself or think of the negative things that happened today, I always either think of the good things or how not to make those negative things happened today happen again. I don’t mean by thinking before sleeping “Over thinking”. I actually don’t believe in over thinking and that your brain do them on it’s own. No, every thing happens in this word s a reflection of another action or decision, we don’t see them or relate them but they are. If you over think before you sleep then probably your body is tired or that something happened today that upset  you and that’s the reaction your brain does to express the pain. I do get them sometimes but I always try  to replace them with a happy memory or a beautiful song that I like.

That doesn’t mean that I am a happy person who lives in a pink bubbly world, because I am not 😀 I also get upset and sad a loooooot of times! But I just say so what! It’s not the end of the world, it will move on! However, that doesn’t mean to drop the subject. I mean we all got goals and believes that we fight for in this life and that’s what mostly brings us the pain of failing and sadness. Don’t give up fighting! Just don’t be sad or moron for too long because you might lose a lot more than you win.

What are your moments of thinking too? 😀

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

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