You are a different type of roses

How many of us have been working to satisfy their parents or to become someone who people would like or appreciate? Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how much you try, you are different.

There are different generations and minds. like you are not like your parents and your children aren’t going to be like you. If you want to enjoy your life and be the better version of you, You don’t need to copy your ancestors. Taking their advise, though, is important. After all they lived a part of the history that you didn’t live. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to make people like you, the expectations will always be high and by the time it might destroy you than build you.

For long time , myself, my father has always had high expectations of me, same is my mum. I’ve always followed their way of living and by the time as I grew up and started realizing who I want to actually be. It was the time when I found that if I followed my dad, my mother won’t like it and vice versa. Therefore, their expectations turned from being my goals to a cause of stress. Therefore, I started my own expectations. My goals that are for me stress-worthy. Because I will never be as great as my parents became. Why? Because the circumstances are different. the thought is different. The people are different.

In the past, people were simple in everything; their thoughts, life styles. Everything. Now simplicity is just a mirage. Life now is more complicated. So you can’t compare my life with theirs. I might not seems as great as they think of seeing me, but if they saw the hard rocks and things that I passed to reach who I am now, maybe that would be something to appreciate and might even by time these rocks might be harder by time. Harder than theirs at the time.

This blog is for parents and children. I am sure you want your son or daughter to be the best thing in the world. However, does it matter if your son or daughter want to be something else than how wonderful you picture them? Maybe how amazing you want them to be would be great but will it make them happy? Just stay behind them, support them and advise them when needed. Keep the lectures away please and start the action. Start showing them how you love them instead of saying it after every fight over some different opinions. Actually, why fighting? What about sitting down and talking like adults? I know I know, it might be hard for some and it can go out of control, but believe me after fighting or scolding the results would be 100x worse than discussing. I am telling that as a teenager. Still remember that everyone is different 🙂

The most important thing is to find your aim fast enough and stay behind it and don’t give up easily. Be yourself! It doesn’t matter if you want to be a professor, an artist or even a president :D. You can be whoever you want to be and will still be great! Greatest of the greatest, in your own special way 😉

At the end of the day, I wish everyone luck and a new, joyful academic year 😀

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx