Changes.. changes..

Have you lately thought of the world? Well, not in a dramatic way but just have you stopped and thought of how the geography and history we studied back in school are actually no longer accurate?

It’s clear that works is changing but didn’t it also change before we existed in the first place? I mean countries were also different, people, cultures, fates, all were different from when life was normal for us recently. As in there are some countries you can no longer just get a ticket, pack your bags and fly to? Some places that you actually might have had on your bucket list to visit one day when you save up vanished?

Some changes are good, some are scary. However, when I think that maybe my great grand parents also as confused, I feel curious. I can’t help but think of the next era. For example, the previous changes brought better living conditions, yet a complicated life. Maybe the current changes would deal with the complicated part? Hopefully?

Well, after all we are human beings, we don’t stay still. Actually, we can’t stay still. It’s human nature 😀

I just hope whatever we do next, we would make wise decisions. Maybe we would get to learn how to be kinder and more appreciative?

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

Scared of time

Do you have some kind of phobia? Are you scared of darkness, loneliness, heights, or maybe lions? I think most all would agree on last one here. However, I am scared most of nothing other than time.

Stupid, huh? I mean time doesn’t bite, you know. But, It has always been my whole life fear. I live in the fear of time as it goes by. I’ve been scared all my life of that train leaving with me being unable to do anything. Scared that maybe if I just stopped running to catch it, I will miss people, moments, I might miss my whole life and years just in the blink of an eye.

Yet, if someone came by and told me that they have a Time Machine to go back in time over and over again, I would pass. The past was nice but it’s the past and it passed. Going to the future you say? Well, the future is just there, why the rush, right? All I want is for time to stop. For that train to just slow down or stop in it’s tracks for a while. I want to appreciate more what’s around me, what I have. Can it stop, just for a bit?

Seconds and hours turning into years are the simplest maths you can calculate and the hardest to comprehend. I bet, no matter how old you are, you still from time to time think “when did I actually become that adult who I once fantasized about as kid?” Peter Pan was right by the way. It is such a weird trap.

I don’t know who are you reading this but, i have something to tell you. Enjoy the moment! Life is all about the moment. That train won’t stop or slow down so we might as well watch it going and enjoy it.

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

Do we set the trap ourselves or is it something we automatically fall into when we become adults?

A couple of days ago was my 21st birthday. Yup. I am officially an adult now. At least according to the world.

That day changed gradually from big parties with gathering of all people I love and a night full of laughs and music to eating my cake, which my mum got me by the way as it didn’t even occur to me to treat myself to anything delicious that day, while working overtime and then it turned into 12 o’clock the next day. Just like that the night changed. Just like that I realized that I am an adult now.

Truth is, it scared me. No, it terrified me! How did I go from being that laughing and full of energy person to someone who would actually spend such a day just like any other day. Did I grow up? Well, if growing up means losing my sense of happiness of those little things that used to be important to me, then, I don’t want to grow up. Actually can I grow up and stay young?

Hard, you say? True, maybe it’s hard or even impossible. However, I want to give it a try. Here’s a deal! I will do whatever I can so next year I would gather with all the people I love and have cake with them, laughing and eating all night. I will not work overtime that day next year because I would simply have the ability to have control of my life to not let this happen.

I didn’t blow my candle this year but here’s my wish. I wish next year – wait. If I say it out loud it won’t come true, right? 😉 😀

If it’s your birthday, happy birthday! If it’s not then I wish you a wonderful lifetime growing up! And growing up is indeed a trap that we all have to fall into it, the point is will you stay on the ground or will you stand back up, tidy up yourself and get back on your track? That is up to you!

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

Walking through music

Right now, I am sitting on my sofa, it’s pitch black with my headphones in my ears. I am playing “Busker Busker – Spring Wind” and all I could feel is me walking through the music.

It’s a field of roses and there’s a light breeze brushing my cheeks like the smoothest feather is brushing against my skin. It’s sunset and I am just enjoying the last rays of sunlight. The song has been on loop for a while now and I just don’t want to leave that beautiful scenery, even if it’s just my imagination.

Life can be all about ups and downs. It’s true that I feel gloomy these days but now just by listening to this I feel like “what was that knot I felt in my heart before? C’mon! How can life be that bad with those beautiful trees and bright stars in the sky.”

Life might not have given a chance to have a break for a while now but I am grateful that my mind at least is giving me one listening to this melody. Give yourself a break and appreciate those little moments of silence or let you imagination take you to your happy places. You need it. I need it. We all do need it. There’s a saying that I keep remembering these days “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Take it easy and stop worrying. You are doing the best you could do. Just take walk through your favorite peaceful melody by the end of a long day for a better day tomorrow :).

Always welcome to the corner,

Menna Xx

They only see the tip of the iceberg

It has been occurring to me lately that people come up to me, judging me and talking like they know me. Well, guess what! What you see is just the iceberg!

No one really knows the other one. In fact, sometimes we even don’t know ourselves so how do you expect to fully understand someone? We all are the heroes of different stories and wars that no one knows about. These wars and stories are what makes us, what creates us. So, you really can’t be going around with someone 24/7 in every moment and second of their life.

I mean we even have thoughts we create discussion and flashbacks to reflect on ourselves that only us know about and we rarely speak them out loud. Therefore, unless you are inside my head, you barely know who I am.

Life is unexpected and I think we are in the middle of the literal meaning of this. Therefore, the me today is different than the me who you might have met yesterday. Don’t draw conclusions on a variable. We change and we can’t guarantee our constant, so be understandable instead.

Judging might shock you later on. It might make you hate someone who you might have just been became best friend with if you just understood them instead. Don’t let your mind fool you and make you miss out chances of great friendships for life or happiness with you partner.

Always remember, you only see the tip of the iceberg! 😉

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

Being thankful doesn’t have to be at Thanksgiving

Have you ever felt jealous of someone? If you say no, then you are lying. We are humans after all, we all sure did sometimes. We even felt jealous of our old selves at some point, when we thought to our selves that we were happier and better.

Guess what, at some point in the future you will get jealous of yourself right now and there’s someone too who is jealous of you. Whoever you are now might not look like a blessing for you, but it is.

We are obviously lacking and that’s the justices of life. We don’t own everything but the thing you are jealous of because someone else has it will just make you see the void in you not the other thanks that you should be thankful for. Because your health, others love to you, being peaceful, happy, even challenged or exhausted of working are things that might look the norm to you but to others or even the old you in the coming years a blessing that would kill for.

Be thankful today, to live at peace in your heart everyday. ❤

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

Lost in this wide world

Have you ever started thinking late at the night of how huge the world is and how little you are? It’s scary and ironically, the bigger we actually get, the more we realize how huge the world is and how tiny we are. It’s a fact. True. But, have you ever thought of how a drop of water could overflow a cup of water?

The question here is, are you that drop of water that would overflow the huge cup or are you just another drop of water that would fill it? And the answer of this question only you have. Will you be just another drop of water or THE drop of water?

I have been thinking that idea of sizes for a while these days. The more I think about it I get angry. At myself to be specific. You know why? Because the world is ours! We own it! I don’t care who is doing what or what kind of games, businesses or crises are out there. Whatever happens is done by other humans too. We are responsible for all of it, then why am I just watching the world moving around me, people are doing great or weird stuff, yet I am just curled here under my blanket watching? I am just like those people. I have thoughts, determination, and faith to find my own way in this whole big world.

Maybe this blog would be an eye opener for you, and then it would be that drop overflowing your world and getting you to do that thing you gave up on earlier today. If it is though, thanks for allowing it to be. 🙂

Whatever you do now, in a couple of hours or tomorrow starting a new day, keep that in your mind! The world might be scary, huge that you are feeling lost now but you will find your way eventually. You can’t be lost all the time, right? Just give it another thought, maybe you are in the right tracks, just it’s too foggy to see that or you are in the wrong ones and you need to look for the right way for starters.

It’s your turn! The world is out there waiting for you to shape it or just leave it as it is. Whatever your choice is, make sure it’s the right one and don’t feel lost and get washed away by this world around you.

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

The good old days

Have you ever remembered a book or a story that you read years ago and smiled at the thought of it? Or rediscovered a song that you used to listen to all the time in the past and felt warmth embracing your heart?

Old times, oh the good old times. Have you ever thought or said that? If you did then welcome to the Nostalgia club!

I don’t know how old are you but it doesn’t matter because we all have those good old times no matter if we are 10 or 100 years old. Those good old times too change each and every year, as we grow older and make more memories to call so. Just know that if you have any memory or time to call the golden old days then you are lucky, because some might live their lives not having any recall of a memory to call good or drawing a smile on their faces.

However, don’t feel bad yet that those days are gone, ‘coz guess what! You are now in another memory that later on you will smile and feel warm remembering it. I know, I know. You are going to say “come on! Do you see the days of plague and quarantine good days!” I hear you but believe it or not, these days of plague made us call and stay with families and friends that we rarely saw or talked to due to the life’s fast cycle. We learnt a lot about ourselves and others. I mean before how many times did you have a warm meal at home all together or even by yourself appreciating that life is now slow and easy moving around you.

We all had a rough year, but believe that the past year might have been a test to us and I guess we all passed it and learnt a thing or two too. We learnt love, loss, value of family and friends. We learnt to appreciate the small things that before we didn’t even notice. And who knows! Maybe when life is back and we are back in that fast rhythm of life we will look back to these years and say “oh! Remember when we all stayed home for a while and watched that movie together? Those were such good times.”

May we all pass all the bad and remember the good times that would draw a smile on our faces. 🙂

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

4 days into 2021 and still recovering..

It’s 4/1/2021 today and the effect of 2020 is still on me. I am still feeling on the edge, and excepting the worse. Because to be honest, 2020 was such a dark year. I hope it was a better one for you, tho.

In 2020, I became of short temper, pessimistic and lost that calmness of my mind and heart. Most of my plans were ruined, then we were hit by the COVID-19 crises and even the world’s plans were also ruined not only mine. It was such a year of hopelessness and darkness.

However! For this year’s resolution of mine are to recover to the oneself I used to be before that year. I decided to go back to being calm, with kind heart that knows darkness and not to let my hope be taken away from me.

This year, I will try to be happy, and loss that short temper if mine and focus more on making me the one I am proud of to be! So what last year was bad and maybe the worse is yet to come, yet we don’t know that. To be honest, I have a feeling that this year is going to be the day after the dark night we passed. The year where we will once again appreciate how our daily routine life was such a blessing that we would have again and embrace it this time instead of being tired of it.

What do you say? What do you think of 2021? What are your resolutions for it? 😉

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx

4 days into 2021 and still recovering..

It’s 4/1/2021 today and the effect of 2020 is still on me. I am still feeling on the edge, and excepting the worse. Because to be honest, 2020 was such a dark year. I hope it was a better one for you, tho.

In 2020, I became of short temper, pessimistic and lost that calmness of my mind and heart. Most of my plans were ruined, then we were hit by the COVID-19 crises and even the world’s plans were also ruined not only mine. It was such a year of hopelessness and darkness.

However! For this year’s resolution of mine are to recover to the oneself I used to be before that year. I decided to go back to being calm, with kind heart that knows darkness and not to let my hope be taken away from me.

This year, I will try to be happy, and loss that short temper if mine and focus more on making me the one I am proud of to be! So what last year was bad and maybe the worse is yet to come, yet we don’t know that. To be honest, I have a feeling that this year is going to be the day after the dark night we passed. The year where we will once again appreciate how our daily routine life was such a blessing that we would have again and embrace it this time instead of being tired of it.

What do you say? What do you think of 2021? What are your resolutions for it? 😉

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx