The trip of life

When someone talk about getting older or birthdays, for some reason I remember Joey at the show “friends” when he was 30. It’s a really funny , but the idea is that why people hate growing up?

I am sure that most of us like new experiences. Growing up is a new experience! Well, at least you go new places, as you are a kid you go to  the kindergarten and school, then you grow up a little and you go to college and then to university and every time you go to a new stage in your life is an adventure! Remember your feeling on the first day of every stage of this? Even in your life, you first toy, then best friends, the love of your life, engagement, marriage. When you got your driving license, ID or passport.

Time makes from us different kind of people. Like do you remember yourself a year ago? Do you remember your interests? Hair cut? The same mindset?  Now if you looked in the mirror, are you the same person? I am sure your answered would be at least 98% no. Growing up also doesn’t mean you are getting older! Yeah, responsibilities are getting heavier on you and life might not be easier than it used to be. That’s so true. Just think of the bright side! You might now have a friend to lean your back on when things go south. You might have a partner in your life who shares your joy  with you. You have known much more and explored the better part of the world or even just knew things that if you stayed a kid who is living with no responsibilities might never even know that those things exits.

The bottom line is that growing up doesn’t mean death or being old as people think or say. It’s nothing to be ashamed of actually! It’s something impressive that worth the living! Just think of life as a train with stations. You can’t stop the train but you can enjoy your time during the trip! 😉

Always welcomed to the corner,

Menna Xx